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Release 1.43.0

- pmb.config, pmb.install: add option to handle Samsung sparse image format (MR 2177)
- pmb.parse.kconfig: print a helpful error message on invalid kconfig name (MR 2172)
- config: allow using flash_lk2nd with heimdall too (MR 2174)
- pmb.parse.kconfig: implement UEFI kconfig check (MR 2169)
- pmb.parse.arguments: add zap --all flag (MR 2117)

- partitions_mount: fix finding the partition (MR 2178)
- pmb.install: Treat empty "flash_sparse_samsung_format" as disabled (MR 2180)
- config: Move ASHMEM into conditional (MR 2176)
- install: fix alignment of information messages (MR 2174)
- helpers/ use "$pmbootstrap" in cross_compiler_version() (MR 2173)
- pmb.parse.kconfig.check_file: fix broken f-string (MR 2169)
- config: Move NFT_COUNTER into conditional (MR 2171)

- test_kconfig_check: note: don't add device tests (MR 2169)