v23.06 Infrastructure
Timeline and template: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Create_release_branch
Discuss who's in charge of the release (doesn't necessarily mean doing all the work, it can be delegated. just someone to keep pushing it forward) -
Create gitlab milestone for the release -
Create an issue in pmaports named "vYY.MM Infrastructure", add it to the milestone, copy paste the checkboxes from this list -
Assign the person who's in charge of the release to the infrastructure issue -
Update the timeline for the next release -
Post it in the release party channel
Branch phase
pmbootstrap: adjust config
add apk-tools min version -
https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=apk-tools&branch=edge -
should be a trivial 1 line change, push it to master directly -
(can be done later, at start of test phase) make a new pmbootstrap release bpo uses the master branch, so it will be fine without a release, however users will want to try out the new release and may not run master.
pmaports: create branch and initial changes
git checkout -b vXX.YY master
Create a === Branch vXX.YY from master ===
commit (third line:Related: https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Create_release_branch
Remove channels.cfg (should only be in master) -
Change channel=edge
in pmaports.cfg -
Change supported_arches
in pmaports.cfg -
replace master
in .gitlab-ci.yml (example) -
disable x86, armhf, riscv64 in .gitlab-ci.yml on the release branch and delete .ci/build-* scripts for these arches
git push
'''protect the new release branch in gitlab''', so nobody can force-push to it
pmaports: update master branch
git checkout master
add the new branch to channels.cfg, like this -
git push
pmaports: update os-release / remove packages / aportgen
git checkout vXX.YY
set version info for /etc/os-release in main/postmarketos-base/rootfs-etc-os-release
, bump pkgrel, update checksum, commit -
remove packages: -
device/testing, device/unmaintained -
and other unsupported arches in cross dir -
main/postmarketos-ui-asteroid (no smartwatches are useful on stable branches at the moment) -
main/postmarketos-ui-framebufferphone until aports#13857 is resolved -
temp/xf86-video-opentegra (see #2707)
run pmbootstrap aportgen
for packages in cross -
git push
bpo: adjust config
add the branch to the build.postmarketos.org config -
for x86_64 only -
ignore_errors: True -
add it below branches["master"]
, so it builds with lower priority than master until it's released
make a merge request, wait until CI passes, merge it (or if you can directly push to master that's also fine since it's a trivial change) -
roll it out/ask somebody who can do that -
restart bpo, it will start building x86_64 packages
bootstrap of binary packages
fix failing x86_64 packages (Remember: patches need to go through edge first, then get backported to the stable branch!) -
Try to get build fixes merged to edge quickly, ask for reviews in #postmarketos-devel, and consider merging trivial fixes right after they pass CI.
wait until all packages for x86_64 are built and published -
after x86_64 is published, activate armv7, aarch64 arches in bpo (if you activate them before, the builds will fail due to missing cross compilers!) -
fix up ARM packages too -
wait until all packages for ARM are built and published
Images: config & issue
update bpo's images config to build images for the new branch for all devices in community and main, except for: -
Adjust CI
make sure pmaports.git CI runs through on the new branch. Examples of why it might fail: - one postmarketos-ui package has a package from alpine testing in their _pmb_recommends.
- remove the UI if it is not used much (can bring it back on demand) or fork the package to the new branch
- consider fixing it in edge, so we don't run into this with the next release
- one postmarketos-ui package has a package from alpine testing in their _pmb_recommends.
adjust monitoring to run on the new release and make sure it passes (example)
Adjust release upgrade script
add the new release to upgrade.sh in postmarketos-release-upgrade -
bump SCRIPT_VERSION, tag a new release -
package it for edge (make MR), backport it to the new release and to the old release -
adjust CI of postmarketos-release-upgrade to test the new release too (git grep for the previous release to see what needs to be adjusted)
No more WIP
bpo: configure the new branch to be not WIP anymore -
ensure that a pmbootstrap release been made with the apk-tools min version change
Test phase
Create an issue in pmaports with a checklist of devices and UIs in main and community - Tag the maintainers of each device and UI
- Ask them to verify that the images work as expected
Announce the new phase in the release party chat - and ask them to do the testing within one week, as in the timeline. - Prioritize merging fixes from maintainers (they do the heavy lifting in the testing and fixing phase, see timetable)
- Make sure to properly cherry pick fixes from MRs to edge, if they are intended for the upcoming release
add new version to the pmaports gitlab issue template
Release phase
Did everybody test their devices? If not, we need to drop them.changed, only main needs to be tested; see also: https://postmarketos.org/state/ -
Make sure all fixes are in -
Make sure new images are generated with the fixes (unless it's a fix for something that doesn't impact the experience much and is fine to get with the first update after installing) -
Announce the new phase in the release party chat, together with the planned date of blog post release (and release party)
Write blog post
look at previous release blog posts for inspiration, then prepare a MR with the following changes. -
update config/download.py in postmarketos.org.git: -
latest_release(_title) -
update devices and categories. only list the ones where we actually build images.
write a blog post for the new release: -
Highlight major changes since the last release -
Mention new devices, and total list of devices -
Count devices that have their own wiki page as separate device -
E.g. OnePlus 6, 6T are two devices (two wiki pages), but variants of "Samsung Galaxy A3 (2015)" are one device (one wiki page) -
Don't count/list devices for which we don't build images (e.g. qemu-amd64)
Explain upgrade path (previously: Upgrade release, maybe just update that wiki page and link to it again) -
Adjust the homepage config to point to the new release in the downloads page -
Add some cool photos (Martijn takes great photos, maybe ask him ;) ) -
Submit the blog post as MR to postmarketos.org.git. Make sure the team sees it. -
Wait for reviews
Merge the blog post -
Edit channels.cfg, change descriptions: -
New release: "Latest release / Recommended for best stability" -
Old release: "Old release (supported until YYYY-MM-DD)" (one month from date of the release)
Update the Releases wiki page -
Move the new release to the list of active releases, link to the blog post -
Add a supported until date for the old release (but keep in the "active" list for now)
Update "Default description template for issues" in pmaports -
In "On what postmarketOS version did you encounter the issue?", change: -
previous release: add " (supported until YYYY-MM-DD)" -
add the new release
Put a reminder in your calendar to drop support for the old release in one month (see below) -
create a new issue with dropping the old release (template)
Ping Martijn to add the branch to pkgs.postmarketos.org config -
Do the conference call in jitsi and celebrate the release :) (sort of, wrote a related message)
Drop phase
Edited by Administrator