Test v23.06 on main and community
- If you find a bug: create an issues and tag the device maintainer, and mention the issue here.
- If you need help, ask in the release party chat.
Device maintainers:
- Submit fixes towards edge with a note that they need to be backported.
- https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Testing_Team
- https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Creating_a_release_branch#Timeline
- #2128 (closed) v23.06 infrastructure
How to test
One of these:
- Get a pre-built image from bpo (will be built soon for all devices, status)
- Make sure to upgrade all packages before testing, and reboot if there was a kernel upgrade
- Build your own image with pmbootstrap
Use the release upgrade script
- Make sure you have a stable network connection
- Grab the version from git master for now
- Handle some quirks manually, they will be added to the script soon:
- Run
apk del postmarketos-hidden-desktop-entries
before the upgrade - If you use Phosh, manually
apk add gnome-software-plugin-apk
afterwards - After the upgrade, if you have megapixels installed:
apk del megapixels
andapk add postmarketos-default-camera
(will install megapixels again in case of the pinephone, but on the Librem 5 it will install millipixels)
- Run
Devices to test
pine64-pinephone (@CarbonatedCaffeine, @QC8086, @panzersajt, @crowdtier, @StevenVB) - known bug: megapixels crashes when switching to front camera / taking photo, fix will be merged soon: https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/megapixels/-/merge_requests/31
purism-librem5 (@QC8086, @panzersajt) - Needs fix for ship mode: !4128 (merged)
- Default audio settings incorrect: #2134 (closed)
arrow-db410c -
asus-me176c -
bq-paella (@panzersajt) -
fairphone-fp4 -
lenovo-a6000, lenovo-a6010 -
motorola-harpia -
nokia-n900 (@panzersajt, @crowdtier) -
odroid-hc2 -
oneplus-enchilada, oneplus-fajita (@CarbonatedCaffeine, @panzersajt, @crowdtier) - sim not working -> see workaround in #2072
- plasma mobile: "goes to black screen randomly then wakes up randomly"
pine64-pinebookpro (@QC8086, @StevenVB) - note: audio should be fixed on v23.06
- backlight control not working: #2133 (closed)
pine64-pinephonepro (@Weissnix4711, @panzersajt) -
pine64-rockpro64 -
samsung-a3 -
samsung-a5 (@knuxify) -
samsung-e7 -
samsung-espresso7 -
samsung-espresso10 -
samsung-m0 (@CarbonatedCaffeine) -
samsung-serranove -
samsung-gt58 -
samsung-gt510 -
shift-axolotl -
xiaomi-beryllium (@anjandev, @panzersajt) -
xiaomi-scorpio -
xiaomi-wt88047 -
UIs to test
postmarketos-ui-sxmo-de-sway (@anjandev) -
postmarketos-ui-phosh (@knuxify, @CarbonatedCaffeine, @QC8086, @panzersajt, @crowdtier, @StevenVB) -
postmarketos-ui-plasma-mobile (@CarbonatedCaffeine) -
postmarketos-ui-gnome-mobile (@Weissnix4711, @panzersajt, @crowdtier, @StevenVB) (considering to ship it) -
postmarketos-ui-gnome (@StevenVB) -
Edited by Administrator