bq-paella GPS fix takes long time, get slow location updates
Describe your issue
What's the expected behaviour?
When using GPS outside with SIM and Mobile data then I should be able to get a GPS fix in less than a minute. After a GPS fix is achieved I should get location updated every few seconds.
What's the current behaviour?
It took about 5 minutes to get a GPS fix. I got about one location update every minute.
How to reproduce your issue?
- Flash lk2nd
- Flash 20230529-0400-postmarketOS-v23.06-phosh-22.2-bq-paella.img.xz
- Install PureMaps
- Insert SIM
- Enable Mobile Data
- Go outside
- Open PureMaps
What device are you using?
On what postmarketOS version did you encounter the issue?
edge ( master
branch) -
I confirm that the issue still is present after running sudo apk upgrade -a
On what environment did you encounter the issue?
Phosh -
Plasma Mobile -
Sxmo (Wayland/Sway) Please post the output of
Other: Please fill out
How did you get postmarketOS image?
from -
I built it using pmbootstrap -
It was preinstalled on my device
What's the build date of the image? (in yyyy-mm-dd format)
Additional information
@ollieparanoid I am not sure who is the maintainer in gitlab
Edited by Administrator