enable ppkb-manager module + update kernels / PinePhone hardware keyboard currently doesn't charge
Describe your issue
Currently, the PinePhone hardware keyboard does not charge on PostmarketOS. It may be useful to include the ppkb-manager
from Megi who works on the PinePhone's keyboard formware. sources compatibile with his kernel 6.5 tree that would be useful to update both for the PinePhone and the PinePhonePro to versions 6.5.7.
What's the expected behavior?
When the hardware keyboard is attached to the PinePhone, it should charge both the keyboard and then the phone, but currently it charges neither. It would be helpful to have the ppkb-manager included in PMos's repositories, to be able to manage the power delivery of the keyboard.
What's the current behaviour?
Without this package, the keyboard acessory currently does not charge.
Edited by Administrator