lomiri: Pulseaudio fails to connect to ayatana-indicator-sound while Pipewire connects
Describe your issue
Pulseaudio fails to connect to ayatana-indicator-sound with
ayatana-indicator-sound-WARNING **: 22:26:07.827: volume-control-pulse.vala:756: unable to get pulse unix socket: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.PulseAudio1 was not provided by any .service files
Pipewire-Pulse is able to connect while still getting this error.
This needs to be fixed as we do not support Pipewire as of yet.
What's the expected behaviour?
Pulseaudio works with ayatana-indicator-sound.
What's the current behaviour?
Only Pipewire works with ayatana-indicator-sound.
How to reproduce your issue?
Install Pulseaudio with Lomiri.
What device are you using?
On what postmarketOS version did you encounter the issue?
edge ( feature/lomiri
branch) -
I confirm that the issue still is present after running sudo apk upgrade -a
On what environment did you encounter the issue?
GNOME Shell on Mobile -
Phosh -
Plasma Mobile -
Sxmo (Wayland/Sway) Please post the output of sxmo_version.sh
Other: Lomiri
How did you get postmarketOS image?
from https://images.postmarketos.org -
I built it using pmbootstrap -
It was preinstalled on my device
Additional information
There is also the warning: libnotify-WARNING **: 22:26:07.866: Failed to connect to proxy
, but this should not cause audio to fail.
This could also just be a configuration error with Pulseaudio, but I am filing this for future reference.
Edited by Administrator