linux-postmarketos-allwinner: switch to mainline rtw88 driver
linux-postmarketos-allwinner kernel currently uses custom driver for wifi chip (/drivers/staging/rtl8723cs
$ </proc/config.gz gunzip -d | grep -Ei 'RTL8723|RTW88'
# CONFIG_RTW88 is not set
$ lsmod | grep 8723
8723cs 1466368 0
anarsoul was fixing issues with mainline rtw88 driver and believes it is ready.
<anarsoul> hey folks
<anarsoul> just fyi, I fixed RX/TX performance issues with mainline rtw88_8723cs driver
<anarsoul> megi: ^^
<anarsoul> It'll make megi's life easier if he doesn't need to carry the vendor driver in his tree anymore :)
<anarsoul> The source is available for the vendor driver, however it wasn't easy to find what was wrong with rtw88
<anarsoul> The issue with the vendor driver is that it carries its own 802.11 stack and pretends to be a fullmac device
<anarsoul> No one knows what vulnerabilities are there in their implementation of 802.11 stack
<anarsoul> rtw88 does it properly and uses mac80211
<anarsoul> That would definitely need some testing
Check if/when we can switch, either automatically if megi drops the custom driver, or manually.
Update 2025-01-20: Driver is included in megi's kernel 6.13.
- apply patches for RTW88 from anarsoul and Fiona Klute to imporve WiFi performance on Pinephone 2
However staging driver is still present. Will need to disable staging driver kconfig explicitly.
Edited by Arnav Singh