Aportgen gcc-* requires manual updating of the git checkout of upstream aports
I'm trying to do the aportgen process from the wiki since it seems like the upstream has updated. I can't do the last step with building GCC since it can't install because unsatisfiable constraints
ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
breaks: g++-aarch64-6.4.0-r6[libstdc++=6.4.0-r6]
satisfies: gcc-6.4.0-r7[so:libstdc++.so.6]
breaks: g++-aarch64-6.4.0-r6[gcc=6.4.0-r6]
masked in: cache
satisfies: world[.pmbootstrap]
This is after aportgen and after zapping the chroots.
(My current checkout is in https://github.com/postmarketOS/pmbootstrap/tree/fix/compiler-update)