busybox: tar applet fails to extract (some) symlinks
Created by: alive4ever
After upgrading busybox to version 1.28, busybox tar applet fails to extract (some) symlinks.
With my recycled device (armani/armhf), the failed symlinks extraction occurs
with busybox applets inside /bin directory. There are no symlinks to busybox
applets at all here. Even important applet such as /bin/ash and /bin/sh are not
available, causing chroot
inside the debug-shell to fail unless a specific
command is specified, such as /bin/bash
or /bin/busybox sh
/tmp/postmarketos/chroot/mnt/pmOS # ls -F bin/
bash* findmnt* lsmod@ mountpoint* umount*
bbsuid* groups* mksh* rc-status* uniso*
busybox* kmod* modinfo@ su* wdctl*
busybox-extras* login* more* tar*
dmesg* lsblk* mount* udevadm*
As comparison, here are files present inside device chroot (pmbootstrap chroot -r
/ # ls -F bin/
arch@ date@ fsync@ linux32@ more* rc-status* sync@
ash@ dd@ getopt@ linux64@ mount* reformime@ tar*
base64@ df@ grep@ ln@ mountpoint* rev@ touch@
bash* dmesg* groups* login* mpstat@ rm@ true@
bbconfig@ dnsdomainname@ gunzip@ ls@ mv@ rmdir@ udevadm*
bbsuid* dumpkmap@ gzip@ lsblk* netstat@ run-parts@ umount*
busybox* echo@ hostname@ lsmod@ nice@ sed@ uname@
busybox-extras* ed@ ionice@ lzop@ pidof@ setpriv@ uniso*
cat@ egrep@ iostat@ makemime@ ping@ setserial@ usleep@
chgrp@ false@ ipcalc@ mkdir@ ping6@ sh@ watch@
chmod@ fatattr@ kbd_mode@ mknod@ pipe_progress@ sleep@ wdctl*
chown@ fdflush@ kill@ mksh* printenv@ stat@ zcat@
conspy@ fgrep@ kmod* mktemp@ ps@ stty@
cp@ findmnt* link@ modinfo@ pwd@ su*
Another noticeable failure is missing /sbin/init
symlink, which causes
to fail miserably.
/tmp/postmarketos/chroot/mnt/pmOS # ls -F sbin/
agetty* mpathpersist*
apk* multipath*
arptables-compat@ multipathd*
blkdiscard* nologin*
blockdev* openrc*
chcpu* openrc-run*
cryptsetup* pam_tally*
cryptsetup-reencrypt* pam_tally2*
ctrlaltdel* pam_timestamp_check*
dhcpcd* pivot_root*
dmsetup* raw*
dmstats@ rc*
e2fsck* rc-service*
eapol_test* rc-update*
ebtables-compat@ runscript*
fdisk* service*
findfs* setup-acf*
fsck* setup-alpine*
fsck.cramfs* setup-apkcache*
fsck.ext2@ setup-apkrepos*
fsck.ext3@ setup-bootable*
fsck.ext4@ setup-disk*
fsck.minix* setup-dns*
fsfreeze* setup-gparted-desktop*
fstrim* setup-hostname*
hwclock* setup-interfaces*
integritysetup* setup-keymap*
iptables@ setup-lbu*
iptables-compat@ setup-mta*
iptables-compat-restore@ setup-ntp*
iptables-compat-save@ setup-proxy*
iptables-restore@ setup-sshd*
iptables-restore-translate@ setup-timezone*
iptables-save@ setup-udev*
iptables-translate@ setup-xen-dom0*
kpartx* setup-xorg-base*
lbu* start-stop-daemon*
lbu_commit@ supervise-daemon*
lbu_exclude@ swapfile*
lbu_include@ swaplabel*
lbu_status@ swapoff*
lbu_update@ swapon*
ldconfig* switch_root*
losetup* udevd*
mke2fs* unix_chkpwd*
mkfs* unix_update*
mkfs.bfs* update-conf*
mkfs.cramfs* update-kernel*
mkfs.ext2@ veritysetup*
mkfs.ext3@ wipefs*
mkfs.ext4@ wpa_cli*
mkfs.minix* wpa_passphrase*
mkhomedir_helper* wpa_supplicant*
mkinitfs* xtables-compat-multi*
mkmntdirs* xtables-multi*
mkswap* zramctl*
Here are files inside sbin on device chroot
/ # ls -F sbin/
acpid@ iptables-restore-translate@ route@
adjtimex@ iptables-save@ runscript*
agetty* iptables-translate@ service*
apk* iptunnel@ setconsole@
arp@ klogd@ setup-acf*
arptables-compat@ kpartx* setup-alpine*
blkdiscard* lbu* setup-apkcache*
blkid@ lbu_commit@ setup-apkrepos*
blockdev* lbu_exclude@ setup-bootable*
chcpu* lbu_include@ setup-disk*
cryptsetup* lbu_status@ setup-dns*
cryptsetup-reencrypt* lbu_update@ setup-gparted-desktop*
ctrlaltdel* ldconfig* setup-hostname*
depmod@ loadkmap@ setup-interfaces*
dhcpcd* logread@ setup-keymap*
dmsetup* losetup* setup-lbu*
dmstats@ lsmod@ setup-mta*
e2fsck* mdev@ setup-ntp*
eapol_test* mkdosfs@ setup-proxy*
ebtables-compat@ mke2fs* setup-sshd*
fbsplash@ mkfs* setup-timezone*
fdisk* mkfs.bfs* setup-udev*
findfs* mkfs.cramfs* setup-xen-dom0*
fsck* mkfs.ext2@ setup-xorg-base*
fsck.cramfs* mkfs.ext3@ slattach@
fsck.ext2@ mkfs.ext4@ start-stop-daemon*
fsck.ext3@ mkfs.minix* supervise-daemon*
fsck.ext4@ mkfs.vfat@ swapfile*
fsck.minix* mkhomedir_helper* swaplabel*
fsfreeze* mkinitfs* swapoff*
fstrim* mkmntdirs* swapon*
getty@ mkswap* switch_root*
halt@ modinfo@ sysctl@
hdparm@ modprobe@ syslogd@
hwclock* mpathpersist* tunctl@
ifconfig@ multipath* udevadm@
ifdown@ multipathd* udevd*
ifenslave@ nameif@ udhcpc@
ifup@ nologin* unix_chkpwd*
init@ openrc* unix_update*
inotifyd@ openrc-run* update-conf*
insmod@ pam_tally* update-kernel*
integritysetup* pam_tally2* vconfig@
ip@ pam_timestamp_check* veritysetup*
ipaddr@ pivot_root* watchdog@
iplink@ poweroff@ wipefs*
ipneigh@ raidautorun@ wpa_cli*
iproute@ raw* wpa_passphrase*
iprule@ rc* wpa_supplicant*
iptables@ rc-service* xtables-compat-multi*
iptables-compat@ rc-sstat@ xtables-multi*
iptables-compat-restore@ rc-update* zramctl*
iptables-compat-save@ reboot@
iptables-restore@ rmmod@
Another failed symlink extraction occurs inside /etc/runlevels
, with no
symlinks inside boot
, default
, shutdown
, and sysinit
. The symlinks here
are important, as they indicate whether a service is enabled for the specific
/tmp/postmarketos/chroot/mnt/pmOS # ls -F etc/runlevels/*
For comparison, here are files inside /etc/runlevels inside device rootfs chroot.
/ # ls -F etc/runlevels/*
bootmisc@ hostname@ hwclock@ modules@ msm-fb-refresher@ swclock@ sysctl@ syslog@
chronyd@ haveged@ networkmanager@ swapfile@ wcnss-wlan@
dbus@ local@ sshd@ udev-postmount@ wpa_supplicant@
killprocs@ mount-ro@ savecache@
devfs@ dmesg@ udev@ udev-trigger@ wlanarmani@
This issue breaks installation using --android-bootable-recovery
since it uses busybox tar
applet to extract rootfs tarball into root
When extracting the rootfs tarball into root subpartition, failure is not an option.
With this fatal error, I suggest including better tar
for use with
postmarketos installation, such as GNU tar or bsdtar
from libarchive-tools