Package Plasma Mobile (KDE)
Created by: ollieparanoid
I won't be working myself on this any time soon (see my personal Milestones), but nevertheless let's write down the steps that need to be taken to get this going. If someone wants to give it a go, talk to @bhush9 (bshah in the channel) for upstream support from plasma mobile, and as always feel free to ask about any problems regarding pmbootstrap/postmarketOS. It would even help if someone started and made only little progress, as long as it is documented properly (as we usually do), so the next person can continue from there.
- Write down a list of packages (a table in a dedicated wiki page would be good, so we could put the status for each package there!), that need to be packaged for Alpine/pmOS. First I suggest packaging everything in pmOS, we can upstream what makes sense to Alpine later. The easiest way is to translate PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux to APKBUILDs from Alpine, they are very similar anyway! Sources for PKGBUILDs:
- Plasma mobile related
- Plasma related, and other dependencies (click on a package, then the "Source Files" link on the next page, on the top right in a box)
- Package all of them for pmOS. Make sure, that they all compile. Suggestion: create PRs for a few packages at I time, so they land in the official pmbootstrap repository pretty soon
- Actually test on the phone, write documentation
- Upstream what makes sense to Alpine Linux (talk to them in #alpine-devel on freenode's IRC server, you can also join this via matrix).
Other interfaces are listed in #62 (closed).