Optional arguments/flags to pmbootstrap flasher flash_* get ignored
With pmbootstrap 3.1.0, when trying to flash to another partition, the --partition
argument gets ignored:
$ pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs --partition USERDATA
[13:41:50] (native) flash rootfs image
[13:41:50] (native) install heimdall android-tools
Heimdall v2.1.0
Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna https://glassechidna.com.au
Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Henrik Grimler
This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is encouraged.
Initialising connection...
Waiting for device...
Claiming interface...
Initialising protocol...
Protocol initialisation successful.
Beginning session...
Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
Please be patient!
Session begun.
Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.
Uploading SYSTEM
I tried to debug this and found that the partition is not getting passed to pmb.flasher.run
. I tried looking in the code and it seems that that function gets called in pmb/flasher/frontend.py
, which does not pass any of the optional arguments to it, so I assume this happens with all other arguments as well.
Edited by knuxify