`pmbootstrap shutdown` only shuts down the binfmt of the currently selected device arch
I tried to enter the chroot for the aarch64 but it fails with:
drebrez@drebrez-laptop:~/pmbootstrap$ pmbootstrap chroot --suffix buildroot_aarch64
[20:31:43] (buildroot_aarch64) % sh
/usr/sbin/chroot: failed to run command 'sh': No such file or directory
[20:31:43] ERROR: Command failed: (buildroot_aarch64) % sh
here the failing command:
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['sudo', '/bin/sh', '-c', "env -i CHARSET=UTF-8
SHELL=/bin/ash HISTFILE=~/.ash_history /usr/sbin/chroot
/home/drebrez/.local/var/pmbootstrap/chroot_buildroot_aarch64 sh -c 'cd /;sh'"]'
returned non-zero exit status 127
What I discovered until now:
drebrez@drebrez-laptop:~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/chroot_buildroot_aarch64$ lddtree bin/busybox
busybox => bin/busybox (interpreter => /lib/ld-musl-aarch64.so.1)
libc.musl-aarch64.so.1 => not found