Adjust R64, RP64 and PBP to use Tow-Boot and drop temp/arm-trusted-firmware
CC device maintainers:
- RP64: @flacks, @PureTryOut
- PBP: @craftyguy, (not listed as maintainer: @MartijnBraam)
- R64: @tvall
Let's adjust the device ports to use tow-boot, similar to how we did it with the pinephone pro:
Besides the nice things that Tow-Boot has, this will allow us to get rid of temp/arm-trusted-firmware in pmaports. We can't add rk3399 and rk3328 platforms to main/arm-trusted-firmware in alpine, because it requires community/gcc-arm-none-eabi (packages from main can't depend on ones from community). Moving arm-trusted-firmware to community is also not possible, because main/u-boot depends on it and this needs to stay in main.
adjust rock64 -
packaging -
wiki -
write edge post
adjust rockpro64 -
packaging -
wiki -
write edge post
adjust pinebookpro -
packaging -
wiki -
write edge post
check if pmaports arm-trusted-firmware is in sync with alpine's arm-trusted-firmware, adjust alpine pkg if needed -
drop temp/arm-trusted-firmware -
bonus points for figuring out an upgrade path that doesn't require reinstall
EDIT: added todo list and R64
Edited by Administrator