gnome-software: Error banner covers the search bar
Describe your issue
What's the expected behaviour?
There shouldn't be an error, the search bar should be readable and clickable, and error banners should be closeable.
What's the current behaviour?
The search bar is often covered by an annoying error banner I can't close because its close button is out of the screen. The error is:
The name dev.Cogitri.apkPolkit2 was not provided by any .service files
So the issue is triple:
- there is that unprivided thingy error
- error message reporting shouldn't cover the search bar
- error banners should fit in the screen so I can close them
How to reproduce your issue?
Unsure, it happens most of the time for me, but because of the ".service files" bit I assume it may be ststemd-related?
What device are you using?
OnePlus 6
On what postmarketOS version did you encounter the issue?
edge ( master
branch) -
(supported until 2024-07-16) -
edge ( master_staging_systemd
branch) -
I confirm that the issue still is present after running sudo apk upgrade -a
On what environment did you encounter the issue?
GNOME Shell on Mobile -
Phosh -
Plasma Mobile -
Sxmo (Wayland/Sway) Please post the output of
Other: Please fill out
How did you get postmarketOS image?
from -
I built it using pmbootstrap -
It was preinstalled on my device
What's the build date of the image? (in yyyy-mm-dd format)
Additional information
Edited by Administrator