PinePhone: SMS sending, Calls receiving, Mobile Data working... but that's all
Describe your issue
What's the expected behaviour?
- I can receive SMS
- I can make calls
- I can accept calls
What's the current behaviour?
- I can send SMS (even if there is still the ... icon on Spacebar)
- I can receive but not accept a call
- I can go on Internet with mobile data
How to reproduce your issue?
- Buy a PinePhone ?
What device are you using?
device-pine64-pinephone PinePhone v1.2b (Manjaro Edition)
On what postmarketOS version did you encounter the issue?
nightly PlaMo -
edge ( master
branch) -
(supported until 2024-07-16) -
I confirm that the issue still is present after running sudo apk upgrade -a
On what environment did you encounter the issue?
GNOME Shell on Mobile -
Phosh -
Plasma Mobile -
Sxmo (Wayland/Sway) Please post the output of
Other: Please fill out
How did you get postmarketOS image?
from -
I built it using pmbootstrap (just a tweak to have my first name instead of user
) -
It was preinstalled on my device
What's the build date of the image? (in yyyy-mm-dd format)
- 2024-07-28
- 2024-05-23 : previous flash I was also occurring the issue
Additional information
- It used to work on Manjaro ARM (before I switched to pmOS). I had problems, but that was fixed for like the 9 list months I've used it.
- This issue should not be considered as « trivial ». Even if with some people I have other ways of communication, I probably missed important messages from other people (or companies : bank, ...). I haven't received any message since I'm on pmOS.
- I've seen that issue : #731 But the command noted there (and on some other sites) makes me a bit afraid. I'm not sure if it's just deleting kind of a blocker or messages. I won't try if it is not 99,9% letting my incoming messages safe.
- The PinePhone FAQ tells that the messages should be queued in the modem, even after a reflash. However, the command noted here do not return me anything.
- I've also seen that enabling roaming data should fix the issue. However the PlaMo kcm don't let me enable roaming data. The switch stays off.
- That « risky » situation (at least from my side) made me asking here, to get help from pros (at least better pros than me) : as you understood, I don't really want to do a misstep.