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temp/gnome-software: use upstream as source

Administrator requested to merge gnome-software-upstream into master

This is an attempt to get GNOME software at least partially updated.

I have applied all Purism's patches in the ui folder, and kept out those in filter (used to filter on adaptive apps) and pureos folders. Additionally, I have included the PR which Cogitri has against its own repo for the apk plugin. With the patch it builds and I have not seen any big crashes. However, the experience is very far from polished and there might even be some regressions compared to 3.38 version currently packed.

I am sending this MR mostly for completeness with #1247 (closed). Even without this patch, GNOME software's integration with apk has features missing, like there isn't any feedback at all when installing or removing apps. After reading a bit at the code in the plugin and realizing how much work I would have to put into it, I have decided that unfortunately I do not volunteer to maintain this fork. Anybody interested in doing further improvements and send MR to the upstream projects is more than welcomed.

Closes #1247 (closed)

Edited by Administrator

Merge request reports
