This regex seems to have served to be a bit more flexible than the actual pass one, for any kind of exceptions needed. However, it resulted in basically every MR since the introduction of the COMMITSTYLE, and most likely before, to be caught by that regex instead of the pass one. As we have made the pass regex more flexible now, we can now remove this. This should help keep commit messages more standardized. If there's a reason for a commit to be different, then the merger can just ignore it.
This regex seems to have served to be a bit more flexible than the actual pass one, for any kind of exceptions needed. However, it resulted in basically every MR since the introduction of the COMMITSTYLE, and most likely before, to be caught by that regex instead of the pass one. As we have made the pass regex more flexible now, we can now remove this. This should help keep commit messages more standardized. If there's a reason for a commit to be different, then the merger can just ignore it.