Adjust customizations to changes introduced with Firefox 133
Firefox 133+ have a revised userChrome implementation with regard to the tab bar:
- the vbox with id #titlebar has been removed (without replacement), making it so that the tabcounter / menu is now always far to the right and tab width is narrower than the space reserved for tabs is,
- private browsing: The indicator is now refered to by class instead of id - and it behaves slightly differently
I've got a MR ready for 2., but 1. is a difficult one. I see the following options:
a) increase tab width (and thus hide the private browsing indicator fully) and come up with another way to indicate you are in a private browsing session (idk, different tab background color?),
b) keep tab with similar (enough) and unhide/bring back Firefox View - requiring making Firefox View mobile friendly first (it can be useful, especially for Sync users),
c) find some way I have not come across yet to achieve the same effect the previous padding-right: 30px
for #titlebar had to restore the known behaviour.
Edited by Peter Mack