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  • Oliver Smith's avatar
    cross/crossdirect: fakeroot: add helpful error msg (MR 5744) · c45d7ec0
    Oliver Smith authored
    Alpine's abuild runs build() without fakeroot, and package() with
    fakeroot. From the APKBUILD reference page in the Alpine wiki:
    > Note: Building in fakeroot will reduce performance for parallel
    > builds dramatically. It is for this reason that we split the build
    > and package process into two separate functions.
    Every now and then we see a package that tries to run a compiler (gcc,
    g++, clang, ...) during package() in the APKBUILD. This is a bug in the
    APKBUILD / build system of the program we are packaging. All compiling
    should be done during build().
    Let crossdirect print the following when this happens:
      ERROR: crossdirect was called with:
      This means your package tried to run a compiler during package().
      This is not supported by crossdirect, and usually not a good idea.
      * Try to fix your APKBUILD so it does not run the compiler during package(), only in build()
        * If you're using meson install, try to add '--no-rebuild'
      * If this is not possible, you can work around it by setting options="!pmb:crossdirect"
        (compilation will be slower!)
    Instead of:
      ERROR: crossdirect: can't handle LD_PRELOAD:
      Please report this at:
      As a workaround, you can compile without crossdirect.
    In the past I've also tried to add 'strcmp(ldPreload, "") == 0'
    (pmaports MR 2231), and today I made the same patch. The current code
    looks like it would then work by just using from the
    native chroot, but it does not work. And as mentioned, if we hit this
    then we are compiling in package() which is something we should not do
    Fixes: pmb issue 2039
    Related: pma issue 2351, pma MR 5738