samsung-kylessopen: FBDirect not working
Neither osk-sdl or charging-sdl work on this device, with charging-sdl saying "error starting charging-sdl" after successfully detecting and booting into charging mode.
(all done as root) Upon running 'osk-sdl -d a -n a -c /etc/osk.conf -v' with 'DFBARGS="system=fbdev,no-cursor,disable-module=linux_input"', I get:
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: No supported modes found in /etc/fb.modes and current mode not supported!
(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Current mode's pixelformat: rgba 8/0, 8/8, 8/16, 8/24 (32bit)
(!) DirectFB/Core/layers: Failed to initialize layer 0!
--> A general initialization error occured
(!) DirectFB/Core: Could not initialize 'layer_core' core!
--> A general initialization error occured
INFO: /home/buildozer/aports/main/sdl2/src/SDL2-2.0.9/src/video/directfb/SDL_DirectFB_video.c (239):A general initialization error occured
Segmentation fault
Afterwards, I ran 'fbset > /etc/fb.modes' which gave me:
mode "480x800-0"
# D: 0.002 MHz, H: 0.003 kHz, V: 0.003 Hz
geometry 480 800 480 800 32
timings 499000000 100 100 20 20 8 1
accel false
rgba 8/0,8/8,8/16,8/24
I promptly changed the 32 to a 16 on the geometry line and changed 'DFBARGS="system=fbdev,no-cursor,disable-module=linux_input,pixelformat=RGB32"'
commandline read: osk-sdl
commandline read: -d
commandline read: a
commandline read: -n
commandline read: a
commandline read: -c
commandline read: /etc/osk.conf
commandline read: -v
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (1390) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <134492>...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.7.7 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(c) 2012-2015 DirectFB integrated media GmbH
(c) 2001-2015 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community
(c) 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH
(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2017-10-03 12:19)
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using armasm_memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Dispatch' (1391) [MESSAGING - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'VT Switcher' (1394) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'VT Flusher' (1395) [DEFAULT - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) DirectFB/FBDev: Found 'msmfb30_90201' (ID 0) with frame buffer at 0x0162b000, 4500k (MMIO 0x00000000, 0k)
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'linux_input'
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Keyboard Input' (1396) [INPUT - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (
(*) DirectFB/Input: Hot-plug detection enabled with Input Hub Driver
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Generic Software Rasterizer 0.7 (
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Genefx' (1397) [DEFAULT - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(!) DirectFB/core/layers: Could not set primary region config!
--> The requested operation or an argument is (currently) not supported
(!!!) *** WARNING [out of memory] *** [layer_context.c:262 in dfb_layer_context_init()]
(!) InitIDirectFB_Async: Could not get default context of primary layer!
The screen goes black but nothing else happens. I've experimented with all the pixelformats and the same thing happens with all of them except RGB16, which prints the following recursively:
commandline read: osk-sdl
commandline read: -d
commandline read: a
commandline read: -n
commandline read: a
commandline read: -c
commandline read: /etc/osk.conf
commandline read: -v
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (1433) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <134492>...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.7.7 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(c) 2012-2015 DirectFB integrated media GmbH
(c) 2001-2015 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community
(c) 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH
(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2017-10-03 12:19)
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using armasm_memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Dispatch' (1434) [MESSAGING - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'VT Switcher' (1435) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'VT Flusher' (1436) [DEFAULT - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) DirectFB/FBDev: Found 'msmfb30_90201' (ID 0) with frame buffer at 0x0162b000, 4500k (MMIO 0x00000000, 0k)
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'linux_input'
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Keyboard Input' (1437) [INPUT - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (
(*) DirectFB/Input: Hot-plug detection enabled with Input Hub Driver
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Generic Software Rasterizer 0.7 (
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Genefx' (1438) [DEFAULT - OTHER/0] <134492>...
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
INFO: DirectFB Device Information
INFO: ===========================
INFO: Name: Software Rasterizer
INFO: Vendor: Generic
INFO: Driver Name: Software Driver
INFO: Driver Vendor:
INFO: Driver Version: 0.7
INFO: Video memory: 4608000
INFO: Blitting flags:
INFO: Drawing flags:
INFO: Acceleration flags:
INFO: Keyboard 0 - Keyboard
ERROR: Mode 480 x 800 not available: f
ERROR: Mode 480 x 800 not available: f
ERROR: Mode 480 x 800 not available: f
INFO: Mode 480 x 800 Added
ERROR: Mode 480 x 800 not available: f
(!!!) *** UNIMPLEMENTED [fusion_get_fusionee_pid] *** [fusion.c:4147]
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
INFO: /home/buildozer/aports/main/sdl2/src/SDL2-2.0.9/src/video/directfb/SDL_DirectFB_opengl.c (181):The specified file has not been found
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 480x800 RGB16
(!) FBDev/Mode: Failed to switched to 480x800 (virtual 480x800) at 16 bit (RGB16)!
(!) Core/LayerRegion: Driver's SetRegion() call failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
(!) Core/LayerRegion: dfb_layer_region_realize() in dfb_layer_region_flip_update() failed!
--> A general I/O error occured
INFO: /home/buildozer/aports/main/sdl2/src/SDL2-2.0.9/src/video/directfb/SDL_DirectFB_opengl.c (181):The specified file has not been found
I'm not sure what else I can do at this point. I've tried all the pixelformats listed here: