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main/postmarketos-hidden-desktop-entries: modernize

Administrator requested to merge hidden-desktop-modernize into master

Use replaces="" to overwrite files in /usr/share/applications, instead of creating files for /etc/skel/.local/share/applications. This way, we can add new overrides when upgrading the package, not only initially when creating the user's home dir from /etc/skel.

Remove v20.05 related comment, and "firefox-safe.desktop" override, which is now "org.mozilla.firefox-safe.desktop".

Add org.gnome.Glade.desktop from glade, which gets pulled in by libhandy1-dev (e.g. when installing makedepends for phosh). (Users who really want to start glade on postmarketOS can either do it with the command line, or uninstall postmarketos-hidden-desktop-entries, or replace the file in /etc/ with the original .desktop entry. For everyone else who just installed glade as makedepend, it removes one awkward desktop launcher.)

I looked into modernizing this package to hide launchers that appeared for GTK4 (issue 1029). However, this should be fixed in Alpine's gtk package:

Related: #1029 (closed)

Merge request reports
