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Draft: Atmitch75 master patch 39422

Administrator requested to merge atmitch75-master-patch-39422 into master

APKBUILD<!-- Important read to speed up the merge requests (MR) process:

1. Start device related commits with the device name:
   For example: "lg-mako: some random change"

2. Start other aport related commits with the aport path:
   For example: "main/postmarketos-base: some random change"

3. Check this option at the bottom:
   "Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch."

4. Don't submit from "master", use another branch.
   (master is protected by default after forking)

5. Fix your MR until it passes all gitlab CI tests.

6. If you need to add new commits from master, don't "merge master", use "rebase master" instead.
   (So CI doesn't get confused with which packages were changed.)


Merge request reports
