samsung-crownlte: add Bluetooth support
Packaged firmware for Bluetooth, adjusted kernel config to support hciattach, wrote an OpenRC service for hciattach (just to avoid using killall hciattach
) and a udev rule that starts and stops the service whenever user unblocks or blocks the BT adapter in rfkill.
This was done to fix two problems I've encountered with hciattach:
- it requires a fresh start after a block-unblock cycle, otherwise HCI adapter returns "busy" errors
- it relies on adapter being unblocked when it starts (if it isn't, hciattach service will hang and timeout)
To avoid this complexity I wanted to use btattach, which (IIRC) doesn't care about rfkill status and doesn't require installing bluez-deprecated. However, it drops UART baud rate to 115200 bps after firmware upload, which reduces audio quality by a large margin.\_(Exynos)\_(samsung-crownlte)&oldid=28482#Bluetooth
Tested on xfce4, hopefully this change is DE independent.