Draft: starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
Dual boot PostmarketOS and Android with u-boot! It works by placing an additional u-boot FIT image, and a script into overridden initramfs. Mentioned script is used to find and select image to boot. User should enable dual-boot explicitly by enabling commented deviceinfo options, and placing vendor boot image into device /boot directory, running 'pmbootstrap init' and specifying vendor boot image location, if building locally.
- add android_boot_image.itb - u-boot FIT image assembled, using extracted kernel and ramdisk from vendor image.
- add find_image_and_boot.itb - u-boot FIT image with a script to find and boot needed image.
Set couple new options:
deviceinfo_bootimg_override_header_info_using_vendor_image="true" This overrides boot image header values, written in deviceinfo, by extracted values from vendor image. This mainly needed to trick trustzone.
deviceinfo_bootimg_vendor_android_boot_image="vendor_boot.img" We're counting on vendor image to be on device's /boot directory in a file with that name.
deviceinfo_bootimg_vendor_device_tree_identifiers="qcom,msm-id\s*=\s*<0x141\s0x20001>; qcom,board-id\s=\s*<0x08\s*0x0e>;" Identifiers to find a dtb, used by stock bootloader in vendor's boot image file.
See also related MRs: mkinitifs boot-deploy
Merge request reports
added 1 commit
- 52a7c75f - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2022-11-22T19:17:41
added 34 commits
52a7c75f...c960b3d9 - 33 commits from branch
- 8fed5e6d - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2022-11-22T19:29:29
52a7c75f...c960b3d9 - 33 commits from branch
- Resolved by Administrator
- Resolved by Administrator
- Resolved by Administrator
added category::device device-category::testing labels
added 3 commits
8fed5e6d...e3154dd0 - 2 commits from branch
- a470f742 - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2022-11-29T19:03:20
8fed5e6d...e3154dd0 - 2 commits from branch
added 26 commits
a470f742...3802b2cd - 25 commits from branch
- 5bae886b - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2022-11-30T15:20:37
a470f742...3802b2cd - 25 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 34a8cb99 - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2022-11-30T15:36:31
- Resolved by Administrator
added 2 commits
By Dzmitry on 2022-12-19T16:17:04
- Resolved by Administrator
- Resolved by Administrator
thanks for the patches!
In addition to the feedback above: CI needs to be passing, and please clean up / squash commits. Let us know if you need help doing that!
By clayton craft on 2023-01-14T05:53:19
added 159 commits
a1943965...c2d091a3 - 158 commits from branch
- bb6c0f06 - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2023-01-14T19:49:18
a1943965...c2d091a3 - 158 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- acd6c83f - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2023-01-14T20:08:31
added 1 commit
- 962046ad - starqltechn: automate dualbooting with u-boot
By Dzmitry on 2023-02-05T18:36:56
added status::mr-stale label
Sorry to bother you @dsankouski,
but we've detected that this merge request hasn't seen any recent activity. If you need help or want to discuss your approach with developers you can ping
. You can also ask on matrix in #devel:postmarketos.org or #postmarketos-devel on OFTC. If no further activity occurs in this MR, postmarketOS developers may close it in the future.Thanks for your contribution.
By * postmarketOS Bot on 2023-03-07T19:00:02