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mkinitfs: Introduce deviceinfo_append_dtb variable

Administrator requested to merge mkinitfs_dtb into master

We don't need to append the dtb to the kernel image in all cases, with e.g. the u-boot bootloader we can load the dtb seperately from the kernel image. Introduce a new variable deviceinfo_append_dtb, if set to "true", append the dtb, otherwise just copy the dtb file to the boot partition.

Fixes #260 (closed)

The WIP items are:

  • Some devices need the _mainline variable for the deviceinfo_dtb and deviceinfo_append_dtb variable now, as it's a hard fail now if the dtb file doesn't actually exist instead of just a warning.
  • Change should be tested on the two Pine devices (should work fine though)
  • The new variable has to be documented somewhere
  • Maybe change the naming of the mkinitfs function as it now does something a bit different
  • bump all the pkgrels
Edited by Administrator

Merge request reports
