New device: Samsung Galaxy S7
Created by: Polynomdivision
I wanted to give it a try and did my best (probably not good enough, though) at trying to create a device and a kernel package for the G930F (Galaxy S7) from Samsung.
While I got the kernel to compile with a rather hacky workaround, I did not test flashing or anything else besides compiling, as I do not want to risk breaking my phone.
Merge request reports
Created by: Polynomdivision
I now replaced the CHANGEME with the appropriate path to the config and fixed the indentation(At least I hope so) of the one line in the APKBUILD.
@ollieparanoid Somehow I must've missed that one CHANGEME
I really do hope that someone will continue this port or that I will get brave enough to risk my S7. I also added the device to the "Not booting" section and created a device page, where I linked this PR. Just as askedBy * postmarketOS Bot on 2018-01-21T16:28:18
Edited by Ghost User