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Implement bash tab completion

Merged Imported Administrator requested to merge argcomplete into master

If argcomplete is installed, bash tab completion will be enabled for pmbootstrap's arguments.

If argcomplete is not installed, pmbootstrap continues to work as before.


My Desktop My Laptop
Age 6 years 9 years
CPU i5 3570K Turion 64 X2 Mobile
Storage SSD 5400 RPM HDD
Latency 0.12s - 0.14s 0.30s - 0.40s

I didn't notice much variation depending on what was being completed, even completing a package name didn't seem to add much if any extra time.


--- ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/pmbootstrap.orig
+++ ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/pmbootstrap
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     if compopt +o nospace 2> /dev/null; then
-    COMPREPLY=( $(IFS="$IFS" \
+    time COMPREPLY=( $(IFS="$IFS" \
                   COMP_LINE="$COMP_LINE" \
                   COMP_POINT="$COMP_POINT" \
                   COMP_TYPE="$COMP_TYPE" \


  • Actually implement package completion
  • Measure response time and compare with zsh script
  • Only suggest long options if "--" has already been typed, never suggest short options (like what git does)
Edited by Administrator

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  • Author Owner

    The code looks good and I've tested it and can confirm that it's working. I like that you've made the argcomplete dependency optional.

    However, before merging this I think we should discuss first if it makes sense to ship a shell completion method, that works completely different from the ZSH autocompletion which we already have.

    Let me quickly outline the differences:

    • zsh version completes package names after "build", "checksum", "pkgrel_bump"
    • zsh version does not support any command parameter switches yet
    • zsh version reads the actions ("build", "checksum", "install", ...) with grep and cut from the Python code (fast and accurate), but everything else needs to be manually adjusted in the autocompletion file
    • the bash version runs the Python interpreter and executes the argparser each time one presses the tab key (slower, but accurate and no extra maintenance effort)

    Personally, I like to have my tab completions instant, and I'm using the package name completion often. But of course accuracy and not having to update the completions file whenever the arguments change are important as well.

    See #1517 (closed) for an approach that combines the best of all worlds from my point of view, but would also be some effort to implement.

    What do you think, folks?

    Thank you very much for this merge request @GrantM11235!

    By Oliver Smith on 2018-08-01T22:11:03

  • Administrator added 1 commit · Imported

    added 1 commit

    • da437cdc - Add package completion proof of concept (very bad)

    Compare with previous version

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-01T23:19:16

  • Administrator marked as a Work In Progress · Imported

    marked as a Work In Progress

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-01T23:24:38

  • Administrator changed the description · Imported

    changed the description

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-01T23:24:38

  • Author Owner

    I made a quick proof of concept for package completion, it is very bad. The aports folder is hardcoded to aports (relative), so it only works if you are in the pmbootstrap folder. Is there a way to find out what the aports folder is before running parser.parse_args()? Or some existing way to get a list of packages?

    Also, do you know of a good way to test the delay of tab completion?

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-01T23:33:04

  • Administrator closed · Imported


    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-01T23:33:05

  • Author Owner

    Is there a way to find out what the aports folder is before running parser.parse_args()?

    This is a bit of a chicken-egg-problem, because you can override the aports folder with the --aports parameter. The default path is stored here: pmb.config.defaults["aports"]

    Maybe it makes sense to set choices= only when running in tab completion mode? Otherwise it will not allow to override the aports folder with one that has packages not present in the default folder.

    Or some existing way to get a list of packages?

    We don't have a function that gets a list of all packages yet (I'm not sure if we needed that twice or more in the code). In pmb/helpers/ it is done like this:

    for apkbuild in glob.glob(args.aports + "/*/*/APKBUILD"):

    Also, do you know of a good way to test the delay of tab completion?

    I coudldn't find a recommended way to do it anywhere, but here's an idea that should work in theory:

    • modify the bash shell completion script, to execute time before the actual completion command
    • redirect the output of time to a file
    • this works with GNU's time for example, on Arch Linux you can install it with pacman -S time, and then call it with /usr/bin/time -o /tmp/output -- sleep 1 (when you just write time, your shell's internal implementation of time will be used that most likely does not support the -o parameter).
    • now after each completion command, you have the time it took in /tmp/output
    • watch -n1 /tmp/output can be used in a second terminal to always display the last time you had

    (I'm reopening this, because it does not sound like you meant to close it.)

    By Oliver Smith on 2018-08-02T22:05:00

  • Administrator reopened · Imported


    By Oliver Smith on 2018-08-02T22:05:01

  • Administrator added 1 commit · Imported

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-03T17:05:27

  • Administrator marked the checklist item Actually implement package completion as completed · Imported

    marked the checklist item Actually implement package completion as completed

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-03T17:05:50

  • Author Owner

    Alright, thanks to a custom argcomplete completer, package completion actually works. It should work whether you use the default aports directory, a different one in the configuration, or one specified with --aports. It even allows you to specify a package that doesn't exist, so the existing missing package handling is the same.

    (I'm reopening this, because it does not sound like you meant to close it.)

    You are correct, thank you

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-03T17:17:07

  • Administrator added 1 commit · Imported

    added 1 commit

    • c14e7f5a - Set always_complete_options to "long"

    Compare with previous version

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-03T17:40:13

  • Administrator changed the description · Imported

    changed the description

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-03T17:42:28

  • Administrator added 2 commits · Imported

    added 2 commits

    • 50706e3e - Add command to install completion script
    • 112da4f3 - Speed up entry_points with fastentrypoints

    Compare with previous version

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-05T18:56:55

  • Author Owner

    I started doing some benchmarking, and I found that autocompletion with the pmbootstrap entry_point installed with is about three times slower that just using (or a symlink to it). I tracked this down to two things:

    • It takes argcomplete's global completer a while to parse the entry_point shim to see if it points to an argcomplete enabled entry_point
      • This can be solved by setting up a completer just for pmbootstrap. I added a command in pmbootstrap to do just that, register_bash_completion. Alternatively, it can be set up by putting eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pmbootstrap)" in .bashrc
    • The entry_point shim imports pkg_resources, which takes time. This is a known issue, and it affects pmbootstrap whenever it is run from the entry_point, but it is even more noticeable with argcomplete.

    After this, both options are basically the same.


    Edit: Moved to Merge Request description


    Edit: Moved to Merge Request description


    I wanted to name this something unambiguous, but it seems a bit long to type (especially without tab completion :grin: ). I am open to suggestions.

    This command creates a file with the same name of the pmbootstrap that ran it (pmbootstrap or The default directory is ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/, but it can be changed with the --dest option. There is also an --uninstall option to remove the file.


    Argcomplete added the ability for a script to generate it's own completion file in the latest version, 1.9.4. I added an error when that function is not found, with instructions on how to update with pip3. I could add a fallback that generates the file with register-python-argcomplete in a shell, but I think that might just over complicate things.

    After I wrote register_bash_completion, I discovered that bash-completion only added user-specific completions version 2.2. This means that users with older distros like Ubuntu Xenial or Debain Stretch will need to do one of the following:

    • Manually move the file to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/
    • Source the file in .bashrc
    • Include eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pmbootstrap)" in .bashrc
    • Stick with argcomplete's global completion

    Setting --dest to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ wouldn't work, because that would require root, and pmbootstrap complains when it is run as root.

    The more I think about register_bash_completion, the worse it seems. Would it be better to just tell everyone to put eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pmbootstrap)" in .bashrc? Brutal honesty welcome.


    This comment is way too long.

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-05T23:07:50

    Edited by Administrator
  • Administrator changed the description · Imported

    changed the description

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-05T23:07:46

  • Author Owner

    Excellent update, both the code and the detailed text comments above. This is turning into a really beautiful feature now, and it really shows how much work went into this already. I've tested the bash completion in the current version, also with the package name completion, and it's working as expected. Great work!

    Also the information you've gathered in the benchmarks is very useful - typical 9 year old laptop taking 0.4 seconds to complete sounds very reasonable to me.


    After spending quite some time playing with this, here are some changes I would recommend:

    • scrap pmbootstrap register_bash_completion (because of the issues you mentioned, especially with older bash versions)
    • implement pmbootstrap autocomplete instead, which does some checks and displays the steps necessary for the user to get autocompletion working with both bash and zsh (see below)
    • remove the old zsh completion script (because now we would use the same code!)
    • remove - it seems like an usesful hack, but if we do it as described below, we won't need it, so it would be one less script to carry around

    pmbootstrap autocomplete

    • I would recommend to put the code into a new file: pmb/helpers/
    • test if argcomplete is installed, abort with the pip message otherwise (like register_bash_completion does it). only difference is, that I would recommend to install with --user, so it does not touch the whole system.
    • create a pmbootstrap symlink, that directly points to the, and is then the same for everyone. So the python code would execute something like this:
    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
    ln -sf absolute/path/to/ ~/.local/bin/pmbootstrap
    • note: pmb.config.pmb_src + "/" can be used here
    • now it should tell the user to append something to their .bashrc/.zshrc
      • we can figure out the shell with an optional --shell parameter (auto, bash, zsh), and when it is set to auto, make use of the $SHELL environment variable
      • print some header comment like # pmbootstrap autocompletion
      • if ~/.local/bin is not in the $PATH environment variable, print: export PATH="~/.local/bin/pmbootstrap:$PATH"
      • if it is zsh, then print (source):
    autoload bashcompinit
    • finally, for both shells, print:
    eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pmbootstrap)"


    I'm pretty sure that the ZSH version should work that way - although as I've tested it with an empty ZSH config, I'm getting this error: bash: compdef: command not found.... My guess is, that I need to initialize my zsh config properly first, but I have a whole backlog of e-mails ahead of me, so I'm not trying it out more right now. Maybe you could take a look at that as well?

    Looking forward to what you think and come up with based on this feedback, I hope this approach is a very convenient and reliable one for the users, that does not mean much maintenance effort from our part. Thanks again for your work on this, I highly appreciate it! \o/

    By Oliver Smith on 2018-08-14T00:27:20

    Edited by Administrator
  • Administrator added 1 commit · Imported

    added 1 commit

    • 9fb51cd7 - Revert "Add command to install completion script"

    Compare with previous version

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-25T05:32:58

  • Administrator added 44 commits · Imported

    added 44 commits

    • 9fb51cd7...de9e42ba - 33 commits from branch postmarketOS:master
    • 2c39e1c0 - Implement basic bash tab completion
    • abc10aff - Add package completion proof of concept (very bad)
    • 87ea057e - Improve package completion
    • 9d1eb5a1 - Set always_complete_options to "long"
    • 1605e9e9 - Add command to install completion script
    • 148e511c - Speed up entry_points with fastentrypoints
    • aa973ecf - Revert "Add command to install completion script"
    • 9b5eebfb - Rename extras_require feature to `completion`
    • 7c1da359 - Remove old Zsh completion script
    • 23f38714 - Replace installation instructions with link to wiki page
    • f8be32cd - Revert "Speed up entry_points with fastentrypoints"

    Compare with previous version

    By Grant Miller on 2018-08-25T19:51:28

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