pmb.install.format: set bytes-per-inode to 16384
After setting "-T big" (!2555 (merged)), we still saw some images failing with "out of space" errors in bpo, such as "v24.12:samsung-espresso10:xfce4".
I've looked at /etc/mke2fs.conf to figure out what exactly gets configured with "-T big". What I did not realize is that the inode ratio gets bigger by going from small -> big, big -> huge, but with a larger ratio FEWER inodes will be created (see man mkfs.ext4, -i bytes-per-inode).
In /etc/mke2fs.conf in Alpine edge:
blocksize = 4096
inode_size = 256
inode_ratio = 16384
small = {
blocksize = 1024
inode_ratio = 4096
floppy = {
blocksize = 1024
inode_ratio = 8192
big = {
inode_ratio = 32768
huge = {
inode_ratio = 65536
news = {
inode_ratio = 4096
So I've tried out half the ratio value we get with "big" now, 16384. With that we finally seem to have:
Enough inodes for small UIs (console, none) as well as big UIs with lots of files (xfce4, plasma-desktop, ...)
We don't directly specify an inode count (-N) anymore as we did earlier, which had problems with small images as the inode count would be too large for the given image size (#2572 (closed)).
Test builds with various images:
Filesystem Inodes Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/installp2 35440 5111 30329 14% /mnt/install
/dev/installp2 47232 8713 38519 18% /mnt/install
/dev/installp2 276352 100607 175745 36% /mnt/install
/dev/installp2 80960 51150 29810 63% /mnt/install
So the most Use% I could get is 63% with this, leaving a nice margin for the future.