Add qtwebengine & qtwebchannel from luna work
Qtwebengine takes a very long time to build, and has stabilized for now in terms of needed patches, etc. Getting it into the binary repository will save everyone quite a bit of time who needs to work with it.
There's a fair amount of luna-specific code here (taken nearly verbatim from webos-ports repository), but everything still builds without it (remove everything after no-pvalloc.patch
to get a build with nothing luna-specific). It also doesn't seem like anything that will break other use cases.
qtwebchannel is in alpine aports, but qtdeclarative/qtquickcontrols2 were not added to the makedepends, which means qtwebengine can't build with it. It's a trivial change to upstream, but I don't know who to contact or how to make that happen. I followed @PureTryOut's pattern used for qt5-qtbase (pkgver=9999, _pkgver=5.9.3)
@ollieparanoid this one will take a while to build :) On my 4-core Intel box with 8gb of ram, it took ~6 hours the first time through. It's effectively all of Chrome.