Find a "merge bot" for managing MRs on gitlab
We would like to have some sort of merge bot that handles MRs for our instance/projects, similar to margebot on fd.o/Mesa3d.
Bot add MR number/reference to commit message
- link to merge request or “MR $ID”
- !$ID is also fine
Merge without waiting for CI to pass, have a queue of them!
- Similar to the "merge train" feature of premium
commit signing, so we know for sure it was merged through our infra
- May not be a requirement if we limit merges to only the merge bot (i.e. if no individuals can merge)
@caleb and @lucaweiss have looked at marge bot and gitlab-merge-bot. IIUC marge bot was too complicated and required some downstream patching to make it work, and I'm not sure why gitlab-merge-bot was ruled out. (@caleb and @lucaweiss please edit this description with more context/info)