GNOME keyring doesn't unlock with user password after I just logged in using that
Describe your issue
The GNOME keyring doesn't unlock with user password after I just logged in via Phosh/tinydm using that. This issue combined with #1409 slows down reboots a lot, especially if you're not a fast typer (which I asume most users on a touchscreen aren't).
What's the expected behaviour?
I boot up. I see the Phosh lock screen. I enter my PIN/password, and with this action, the GNOME Keyring also gets unlocked.
What's the current behaviour?
After screen unlock, I get prompted for the keyring password seconds later, basically making me enter my password twice. Especially on a phone where entering passwords is slow, this is very undesirable. Apparently, PureOS is also looking into a fix for this, but it sounds like it might be distro-dependent: (I can't tell if they already managed to successfully fix this or not)
How to reproduce your issue?
- Have something installed that accesses the keyring, e.g. the geary e-mail client or gnome-calendar configured with some remote accounts
- Reboot. Not suspend & wakeup, full reboot
- Login via Phosh lock screen
- (Optional) If your keyring-accessing thing won't immediately act on its own, e.g. geary may only access it once it launches, launch that software now
- You get prompted for your login password a second time for the keyring. This is the prompt that I made this ticket for
What device are you using?
PinePhone Allwinner 1.2b 3GB variant
On what postmarketOS version did you encounter the issue?
edge ( master
branch) -
I confirm that the issue still is present after running sudo apk upgrade -a
On what environment did you encounter the issue?
Phosh -
Plasma Mobile -
Sxmo (Wayland/Sway) Please post the output of
Other: Please fill out
How did you get postmarketOS image?
from -
I built it using pmbootstrap -
It was preinstalled on my device