Test v24.06 on main/community/testing devices
Dear testing team and device maintainers, and everybody else who is interested in testing:
the v24.06 testing phase has begun!
How to test
One of these:
- Get a pre-built image from bpo (status)
- Make sure to upgrade all packages before testing, and reboot if there was a kernel upgrade
- Build your own image with pmbootstrap (>= 2.3.1)
Use the release upgrade script (upgrade from previous release, or downgrade from edge is possible)
- Make sure you have a stable network connection
- Grab the version from git master if you want to upgrade from v23.12
Reports and fixes
- Please fill out the template with what works and what doesn't, and feel free to adjust the template as it makes sense in your post.
- If you find a bug: create an issues and tag the device maintainer, and mention the issue here.
- If you need help, ask in the release party chat.
Device maintainers:
- Submit fixes towards edge with a note that they need to be backported.
Devices to test
pine64-pinephone -
purism-librem5 -> see notes in #2861 (comment 1943606860)
arrow-db410c -
asus-me176c -
bq-paella -
fairphone-fp4 -
generic-x86_64 -
google-gru -
google-kukui -
google-oak -
google-peach-pit -
google-snow -
google-trogdor -
google-veyron -
google-x64cros -
lenovo-21bx -
lenovo-a6000 -
lenovo-a6010 -
microsoft-surface-rt -
motorola-harpia -
nokia-n900 -
nvidia-tegra-armv7 -
odroid-xu4 -
oneplus-enchilada -
oneplus-fajita -
pine64-pinebookpro -
pine64-pinephonepro -
pine64-rockpro64 -
samsung-a3 -
samsung-a5 -
samsung-e7 -
samsung-espresso10 -
samsung-espresso7 -
samsung-grandmax -
samsung-gt510 -
samsung-gt58 -
samsung-m0 -
samsung-manta -
samsung-serranove -
shift-axolotl -
wileyfox-crackling -
xiaomi-beryllium -
xiaomi-daisy -
xiaomi-markw -
xiaomi-mido -
xiaomi-scorpio -
xiaomi-tissot -
xiaomi-vince -
xiaomi-wt88047 -
For the first time, this release also has > 200 testing devices (see here). If you have one of those and want to test there, feel free to do so!
We only provide very few pre-built images for testing devices. If there is none on bpo for your device, then either downgrade from edge or build your own image with pmbootstrap (see links above).
UIs to test
postmarketos-ui-sxmo-de-sway -
postmarketos-ui-sxmo-de-dwm -
postmarketos-ui-phosh -
postmarketos-ui-plasma-mobile -
postmarketos-ui-gnome-mobile -
postmarketos-ui-gnome -
postmarketos-ui-plasma-desktop -
postmarketos-ui-i3wm -
postmarketos-ui-sway -
Ping for testing team:
- alcatel-idol347 (@mtekman)
- asus-grouper (@longnoserob)
- asus-tf101 (@longnoserob)
- asus-tf201 (@longnoserob)
- bq-paella (@panzersajt)
- fairphone-fp2 (@jrfern)
- fairphone-fp4 (@Apollo3zehn, @Peerke)
- fairphone-fp5 (@xplosionmind)
- google-corsola (@catto24)
- google-hayato (@TheOwenSZ)
- google-krane (@DvaMishkiLapa, @nau5ea)
- google-veyron-minnie (@fancsali)
- nokia-n900 (@crowdtier, @panzersajt)
- oneplus-enchilada (@Breakfastisready, @CarbonatedCaffeine, @antonok, @crowdtier, @fdlamotte, @magdesign, @panzersajt)
- pine64-pinebookpro (@QC8086, @retourmy)
- pine64-pinephone (@CarbonatedCaffeine, @crowdtier, @panzersajt, @retourmy)
- pine64-pinephonepro (@Breakfastisready, @Weissnix4711, @fossdd, @panzersajt)
- purism-librem5 (@antonok, @panzersajt)
- samsung-a3 (@colorant31)
- samsung-a6plte (@colorant31)
- samsung-gt58 (@Breakfastisready)
- samsung-i9100 (@pcercuei)
- samsung-m0 (@CarbonatedCaffeine)
- shift-axolotl (@Antoniomaciej)
- valve-jupiter (@hexaheximal)
- xiaomi-beryllium (@anjandev, @longnoserob, @panzersajt)
- xiaomi-mido (@Serg12344)
Edited by Administrator