If I understand correctly, user is added before the packages are installed, resulting in this never getting copied in user home.. (I can not confirm this, but this issue is created based on reading pmb log).
Just tested with the following results on my samsung-i9100:
/etc/skel/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini exists in the resulting rootfs chroot after installation
it exists in the system image/sd card
the system image/sd card has it copied in the home folder - SSH output from the device:
localhost:~/.config/QtProject$ ls -lahtotal 12drwxr-xr-x 2 user root 4.0K Dec 29 2017 .drwxr-xr-x 3 user root 4.0K Dec 29 2017 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 user root 2.0K Dec 23 2017 qtlogging.ini
I've saved the output of logread with the qtlogging.ini file and without it (just moved .config to _config). There's more QT logging output with the qtlogging.ini file, so I'm sure it works.
Example: kwin_libinput: Libinput: is only present when qtlogging.ini is there.
My conclusion is, that it works If you had a report that it was not working before, it was probably because there was no new installation performed (which creates a new user), but only the postmarketos-ui-plasma-mobile package was upgraded.
Please reply if someone is not having the file after a fresh install!
@asiekierka reported in #1088 (closed) that he did not have the qtlogging.ini file.
Would it be possible, that you attach your entire ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/log.txt file here as file attachment?
Alternatively, if you are able to reproduce this, the pmbootstrap log of one full pmbootsrap install run (the chroots need to be delete beforehand with pmbootstrap zap) would be even better.
@ollieparanoid I had it in /etc/skel, but not in /home/user.
More info and reproduction is necessary - due to #1091 (closed) I had to install postmarketOS using an unsupported method (manually following the recovery ZIP installer script's instructions).
Could you check if the config file is present in pmbootstrap chroot -r? That's the rootfs chroot, from which the (android recovery zip) image gets created.
But this function only gets called when creating the image file. I have checked the android recovery zip code, and it seems like it does not create the /home/$user folder (at all? CC: @ata2001).
So my guess is that @asiekierka and @MoreRobustThanYou (you were missing the qtlogging.ini too, right?) were both using the Android recovery install zip method. Is that correct?
I think we can solve it with something like the following (untested):
--- a/aports/main/postmarketos-android-recovery-installer/pmos_install+++ b/aports/main/postmarketos-android-recovery-installer/pmos_install@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ mount -t ext2 -rw "$PMOS_BOOT" /mnt/pmOS/boot || { } ui_print "Installing rootfs..." unzip -p pmos.zip rootfs.tar.gz | tar -xz -C /mnt/pmOS++ui_print "Creating home folder..."+user="$(cat /mnt/pmOS/etc/passwd | grep ":1000:" | cut -d ':' -f 1)"+cp -a /mnt/pmOS/etc/skel /mnt/pmOS/home/"$user"+chown -R 1000 /mnt/pmOS/home/"$user"+ if [ "$FLASH_KERNEL" = "true" ] then if [ "$ISOREC" = "true" ]
(NOTE: We need to create the user before installing the postmarketOS-packages, because it needs to be present so we can enable autologin for it. The situation will be improved once we have a display manager #656 (closed).)